AstrOmAngel presents here SunPeace : a new application inspired by love and peace... In fact, inspired by 'the love of peace'.
The old conception of the world considered the universe as a gigantic mechanic, and our bodies ... like machines irredeemably subject to the quality of its genes.
Fortunately the recent discovery of quantum science offers us the most fabulous horizons ever presented to humanity ... Although the great Masters have been talking about it for a long time, but that's another story.
SunPeace comes directly from this science of the infinitely small and what it brings us today is really... infinitely great: the discovery of a universe composed of energetic fluid.
At the subatomic level everything that we consider as matter is in fact only energy ... and this energetic field would allow us to instantly modify the chemical flows of our organism, the behavior of our neurons, the substances of our blood, the colors of our aura if the idea comes to mind... and above all, above all it allows us to transform our environment. When I speak of the environment, I speak of Gaia, our mother earth, but also of our own bodies made up of matter, therefore energy. This energy is malleable and connects us to everything... and everyone. The waves of our thoughts and emotions are the invisible forces that determine what is... and what will also be.
Very interesting isn't it!
In fact, one could say that the world conditions which we live at present come to us from billions of humans who emit, unconsciously or not, the harmful vibrations which push the subatomic energy in the direction of confrontation.
It's a good news.
By our emanations we favored pollution, perpetual war and so on... And if consciously we emanated the opposite ?
These particles can exist in several places at the same time, and if one touches a part of the energetic field the other parts are affected. They are so sensitive that they react to observation. In fact, just watching them changes their behavior, imagine what havoc can produce a strong desire for revenge or thoughts of violence in this energetic field ...
Imagine the opposite.
Our vision of the world impacts the environment in which we find ourselves. Everything that exists is made up of energies that intertwine and everything that we perceive as reality becomes essential to the formation of the material world in which we live ... in which we want to live. AstrOmAngel's StarWatch allows us to feel the influences of these energies, hour by hour. SunPeace takes us further by allowing us to direct and focus them for a humanitarian purpose ... not entirely altruistic it is true, since we are the one who will benefit the most.
SunPeace suggests that we produce an energetic field of peace every hour, and for one minute. On the whole of the planet an influence of peace emanating from a multitude of conscious beings could thus produce a planetary movement of subatomic particles in the directions that we want: peace, harmony, abundance, beauty...

Here, faith explained scientifically. Already, the beginning of reconciliation between scientists, mystics and artists. These craftsmen of the future.

Daniel Lajoie CEO AstrOmAngel